If you are using a domain provider that our automated domain connection does not yet integrate with, then you will need to manually enter the records on your domain provider’s site.
1. On the dashboard main navigation, click on Domain Setup.
2. Enter your custom domain in the custom domain box and press Connect.
3. Log in to your domain provider’s site.
4. Find your domain and go to the DNS Management screen.
5. Manually add the entries that you see on the domain setup section of your seller dashboard. Examples of which can been seen below. If the entry is shown in Red in the below table, you need to ensure you use the value on your dashboard as these values are unique to you.
6. Once you have added the records on the dashboard, you can press the Verify button against each record to ensure that they have been updated and have propagated correctly.
You should click on each of the entries to verify they have completed correctly. If they have, it will show the status on your dashboard as complete and will be green.
It can take up to 24 hours for these changes to be propagated around the internet. If you wish to check the progress of these, you can do so at the following links. Ensuring you change YOURDOMAINNAME to your domainname. For example https://www.whatsmydns.net/#A/moteefe.com
Once all of this has been completed, and the changes have been propagated, your store is up and running!