There may be times you wish to convert a balance from one currency to another within Payoneer. It is worth noting that you cannot transfer in to your default currency. All currency conversions will fluctuate based on the current exchange rate, and will also incur a conversion fee of 0.5% of the amount you are transferring. For example, transferring $100 will incur a fee of $0.50. To complete a currency conversion, follow these simple steps.
1. Sign in to your Payoneer account and click Activity > Manage Currencies. The Manage Currencies page opens.
2. Select the currency you want to transfer.
3. Select the currency you want to receive.
4. Enter an amount. You can select whether to enter amount to transfer or amount to receive.
5. Click GET RATE and review the amount, rate, and fee. The rate will be held for a short time period.
6. Click SUBMIT to submit the request and transfer the money between your balances.
That’s it! You’ll receive your requested currency in just minutes.